Monday, November 8, 2010


Welcome to Sarah's Tuition
If you want to improve your English without pain... You're in the right place...
You will need a skype account.
Sign up @
Add me: sarah.michel1979
You will need an email address for this.
If you have problems, I can give you a hand.Sign out
Then you need a day and date when you are free.
Contact me through facebook or email or

Fees are:
Trial Lesson (40 minutes) Rp. 100,000
1 Month (4x45 minutes) Rp. 600,000
1 lesson (1 x 45 minutes) Rp. 200,000
10% discount for one month if you invite a friend to subscribe for one month.
Fees are payable before the lesson takes place to:
Sarah Kate Michel
Account number: 106-00-0536449-5
Bank Mandiri
Branch: Medan Lapangan Merdeka

Lessons include 40 minute Skype session, and follow up worksheets.
5 minutes review
10 minutes conversation
15minutes grammar- oral and written quiz
15 minutes vocabulary- spelling and meaning

Specific lessons available on request-
Example- help with composition, certain grammars or vocabulary.
Email me the material at least 48 hours before the lesson commences.

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