Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Points System

Point System at Sarah's Tuition 
Yes, you can get Brownie Points here! 
If you have ever studied with me, you'll know what I'm talking about! 
You can get points by:
Answering questions on the blog (Word of the week, Question of the week)...... 5 points
Answering questions during tuition....................1 point per question
Being on time for your tuition..............10 points 
(No points for rescheduling class!) 
The tuition student with the most points will get 10 percent off the next month's tuition! 
And there will be prizes for the best student of the year!

Word of the Week

What does arithmetic mean? 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Favourite Links for Learning English



Welcome to Sarah's Tuition
If you want to improve your English without pain... You're in the right place...
You will need a skype account.
Sign up @ http://www.skype.com/
Add me: sarah.michel1979
You will need an email address for this.
If you have problems, I can give you a hand.Sign out
Then you need a day and date when you are free.
Contact me through facebook or email sarahstuition@gmail.com or sarah.michel@gmail.com

Fees are:
Trial Lesson (40 minutes) Rp. 100,000
1 Month (4x45 minutes) Rp. 600,000
1 lesson (1 x 45 minutes) Rp. 200,000
10% discount for one month if you invite a friend to subscribe for one month.
Fees are payable before the lesson takes place to:
Sarah Kate Michel
Account number: 106-00-0536449-5
Bank Mandiri
Branch: Medan Lapangan Merdeka

Lessons include 40 minute Skype session, and follow up worksheets.
5 minutes review
10 minutes conversation
15minutes grammar- oral and written quiz
15 minutes vocabulary- spelling and meaning

Specific lessons available on request-
Example- help with composition, certain grammars or vocabulary.
Email me the material at least 48 hours before the lesson commences.